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About me

A little bit about me.


About me

A little bit about me.


About me

I am from the Los Angeles area, a Hollywood native, and a graduate of the world renowned Brooks Institute of Photography.  In SoCal, I operated B Christopher Photo Studio in Santa Barbara shooting talent portfolios, studio portraits, and commercial work.

Today, the greater Washington DC area is home base.  I live in Fairfax, Virginia, with my wife, son, and two dogs, where I continue to live out my dream in commercial photography.  Working diligently and playing passionately, I continually strive to provide beautiful and exciting images to all clients.

On my free time, I love to volunteer my services to nonprofit organizations.  On the west coast, I work with the great staff and contributing members of The Alzheimer's Association of California Central Coast.  In the Washington DC area, I support Food For Others, an organization helping those in need of the most basics.  When I have even more free time, I love cycling and hiking the trails of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and roaming the deserts of the American Southwest.

What I do

Commercial / Advertising Photography

Professionally produced creative images, applied to your business website and marketing materials, will make a difference in your bottom line.   Fully communicate the value of your products and services with powerful imagery, executed with care, to gain positive attention from prospective clients.  I can offer significant expertise in the following areas of photography:

  • Advertising campaigns

  • Business website photography and design

  • Studio / Location business portraits

  • Fashion / Lifestyle photography

I'd be happy to meet with you to discuss your next advertising or promotional project.  I promise to offer all that I know, explore and discover new possibilities with you, and help build a successful campaign for your business.

Reportage / Editorial

My interest in reportage and photojournalism allows me to photograph and document many events, places, and the people who affect our lives from Washington DC and abroad.  Much of my editorial work has been published in magazines and news publications such as Time, Fortune, Forbes, The Washingtonian, and others.  I offer the following photography services in editorial style:

  • Corporate events

  • Government events

  • Location assignments - US / Abroad

A complete photography production team of photographers, lighting/grip technicians and assistants available for large events.


About me 2

About me 2

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B Christopher - Commercial Photographer
B Christopher - Commercial Photographer